Yesterday, I spent my day in a work training. This was both good and bad. I had gone into the day with a plan. I had breakfast before I left and I packed a healthy lunch and some snacks. The problem was, I was with four coworkers. I ended up succumbing to the group (without ANY resistance), tossed my lunch aside, and walked to a nearby mall food court for a slice of pizza and a to-go slice of cheesecake for an afternoon pick-me-up during the training. It was a poor decision and I knew it. I was fully aware the entire time that I shouldn't be eating the pizza and should be drinking my protein shake instead. This was the bad part of training.
The good part of training was that we learned about having a goal and how to reach it. The training was obviously geared toward our jobs and projects that we tackle in that setting, but I couldn't help by apply it toward my weight loss goal. Basically, it was information that I already knew and have already posted about, but hearing it again struck something in me.
A long term goal is something that you wish to achieve: Becoming thinner and healthier. In order to achieve that goal, you must set and meet short-term objectives along the way: Lose 2 lbs this week and work out for 30 minutes total. As you keep completing each of these short-term objectives, you become closer to meeting your long-term goal. I know that in the past I've posted short-term objectives, but I'm going to make it a point to post a new objective each Saturday to be completed by the following Saturday. As this week is already more than halfway over, I'm going to make this week's objective something simple, as it must be achieved in only 3 days. I should note that I restarted my weight loss journey on Monday. Since Monday, I've been well over my calorie allowance each day and have not worked out (this is in part due to a sciatic nerve issue I'm having and also in part due to my using that as an excuse).
This week's objectives:
- Spend at least 1 hour exercising.
- Do not intentionally go over my calories.
- Drink at least 8 cups of water each day.
Easy enough! YOU CAN DO IT!!! I love your mentality. I love your mindset about the short-term objectives. I am going to steal that. :)