Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Well, this week has not gone as planned... AT ALL. Saturday and Sunday I was so sick that I barely got off my couch. Needless to say, I didn't complete my Insanity workout on Saturday. On Sunday, I ended the day eating poorly. Monday, I followed suit, eating poorly again. Tuesday was no better. I also didn't complete my Insanity workout on Monday OR Tuesday as it's still really hard for me to breathe.

Instead of spiraling downward and out of control yet again, I'm making a conscious effort to not eat everything in sight today. Last night while watching Biggest Loser, a girl who started who journey a little smaller than I am, is now in the 180s and got engaged. She was trying on wedding dresses and looked beautiful. I saw myself while watching her. I want to look as good in my wedding dress as she did. I can make a transformation into a beautiful bride just like she did. It knocked me off my 3-day fail and back on track today. 

As for working out, I was really upset about having missed Insanity the past few days. I was starting to "enjoy" working out every day again and getting sick really put a damper on all of that. I was thinking about trying to make up for my missed workouts, but I don't want to overwhelm myself. Instead, I'm going to pick up where I left off. The first day that I missed was Saturday, so I'm going to do last Saturday's workout this Saturday. I have a week of lost time in there, but I'm not going to let it stop me. I want to do my best to complete the program. 

This week's objectives are lost. I know that I missed out on following the Insanity program. I can, however, make healthy choices for the rest of the week and attempt to drink more water than I have been. It's never too late to start over, right?

Saturday, March 24, 2012

On My Way

Last week's objectives were:
  1. Stay under my calorie goal at least 3 days
  2. Exercise at least 90 minutes total
  3. Lose at least 3 pounds
On Monday, I started the Insanity workout program. I definitely hit my 90 minutes of exercising, as I actually spent 233 minutes, which is nearly 4 hours, exercising. I wasn't planning to do Insanity, but Randy really wanted to try it, so I borrowed it from a friend. When he started it on Monday, I decided to give it a try too. The workouts are really tough and I find it hard to complete things without taking a couple breaks. I have noticed that I'm doing better after only 5 days! 

I'm also proud to say that I stayed under my calorie goal every day of the week except Sunday. I have a birthday party to go to this afternoon, so we'll see how that ends up working out for me. I weighed in this morning and found that I lost exactly 3 pounds! I'm very excited about it and happy that I achieved all three of this week's objectives. I really feel like I'm headed in the right direction to meet my longer-term goals!

This week, my objectives are going to be:
  1. Complete each day of Insanity
  2. Drink more water
  3. Make healthier choices
Wish me luck!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Saturday, March 17, 2012

New Week

So, my objectives for the week were:
  1. Spend at least 1 hour exercising.
  2. Do not intentionally go over my calories.
  3. Drink at least 8 cups of water each day.
I want able to squeak by with completing the first objective by getting a lot of work done at home this morning. I raked up all the dog poop in my back yard and I cleaned out the garage. Number 2 was a little trickier, as I definitely was over on my calories every day. Last night, we went to a work party for Randy and I drank my daily allowance in Amaretto Sours and completed my evening with a TON of crappy food that I didn't need to eat. I also was able to drink at least 8 cups of water each day this week!

I weighed in this morning and am happy to report that I've lost 4 pounds! It's four pounds that I've lost, gained, re-lost, regained, lost again, and so on, but, it's gone again. This time, I plan to never see it again. 

This week's objectives:
  1. Stay under my calorie goal at least 3 days
  2. Exercise at least 90 minutes total
  3. Lose at least 3 pounds
I will be doing these objectives from Sunday until Saturday, and I'll keep you updated on how I do! 

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Yesterday, I spent my day in a work training. This was both good and bad. I had gone into the day with a plan. I had breakfast before I left and I packed a healthy lunch and some snacks. The problem was, I was with four coworkers. I ended up succumbing to the group (without ANY resistance), tossed my lunch aside, and walked to a nearby mall food court for a slice of pizza and a to-go slice of cheesecake for an afternoon pick-me-up during the training. It was a poor decision and I knew it. I was fully aware the entire time that I shouldn't be eating the pizza and should be drinking my protein shake instead. This was the bad part of training.

The good part of training was that we learned about having a goal and how to reach it. The training was obviously geared toward our jobs and projects that we tackle in that setting, but I couldn't help by apply it toward my weight loss goal. Basically, it was information that I already knew and have already posted about, but hearing it again struck something in me.

A long term goal is something that you wish to achieve: Becoming thinner and healthier. In order to achieve that goal, you must set and meet short-term objectives along the way: Lose 2 lbs this week and work out for 30 minutes total. As you keep completing each of these short-term objectives, you become closer to meeting your long-term goal. I know that in the past I've posted short-term objectives, but I'm going to make it a point to post a new objective each Saturday to be completed by the following Saturday. As this week is already more than halfway over, I'm going to make this week's objective something simple, as it must be achieved in only 3 days. I should note that I restarted my weight loss journey on Monday. Since Monday, I've been well over my calorie allowance each day and have not worked out (this is in part due to a sciatic nerve issue I'm having and also in part due to my using that as an excuse).

This week's objectives:
  1. Spend at least 1 hour exercising.
  2. Do not intentionally go over my calories.
  3. Drink at least 8 cups of water each day.
Easy enough, right? I'll let you know on Saturday!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Rock Bottom

My clothes don't fit me. I feel tired and sluggish all the time. I can't stand to look at myself in the mirror. I am one pound away from the most I've ever weighed. I've hurt my back twice in a month and a half. I've had chest pains that made me wonder if I was having a heart attack.

This is it. I've hit rock bottom. I've continually posted on here about how I have this new plan or that new idea that is going to keep me motivated and is going to be the key to my weight loss. It all sounds wonderful in theory, but there's one small problem: it isn't working. 

Yesterday, I realized that I have only one pair of jeans that fits. I have two piles of jeans in my closet, but most of them won't even come up my waist, and the ones that do, are nowhere near buttoning. Yesterday afternoon, I went to a favorite store of mine, Maurice's. Two years ago, I was comfortable in a size 18 jeans/skirts/capris at the store. Yesterday, I couldn't button some of the size 24 jeans and capris that I tried on. It was one of the lowest points I've had in quite some time. How did I let myself get to this point again? I was happy. I was becoming healthier. What happened?

I don't have an answer. I don't know where I went wrong. I've had so many good ideas. I've had so many fail-proof plans. I've had so many day ones. Every Monday, I commit to starting my life change. By Monday  mid-morning, I've had donuts or a handful of candy, and I'm getting ready to go to Chipotle for lunch. I cannot continue on this path. I cannot live my life this way.

I booked the hall for my wedding this past weekend. I'm getting married on June 22, 2013. Do I want to be squeezing into a size 24 dress, or do I want to be comfortably wearing a size 16 (or smaller) dress when I saw my vows? The answer is obvious. The harder question is, how do I get there?