I've been doing well this week. I've stayed on track, I've exercised, and I've kept my head in the game. I realize it's only been three days, but this is an accomplishment for me. I feel like I'm really focused right now and I am hopeful that I am finally in it for the long haul.
I've mentioned that I used to be a Weight Watchers member and that I've lost a good amount of weight following their program. I have really been missing it lately, but I just couldn't pull the trigger and spend the money. I got an email offer on Tuesday about buying one month and getting another free. Registration would also be free with this offer. It really caught my eye and after some debating, I signed up.
I am going to go back to my old Weight Watchers group on Saturday mornings. I am going to go back to counting points, having someone else record my weight, and carrying around a little journal to track every bite that I eat. I am really excited about it. I was talking with a couple friends last night and I explained that as much a I love MyFitnessPal, I easily shut it out of my mind when I don't feel like doing well. I stop tracking or even completely stop logging on to the website when I want to lose focus and indulge on whatever I see. With WW, I've never done that. I've always, always, held myself accountable. Someone else records my weight. I can't lie to myself, because that person will know what I've done. They'll see the evidence on the scale.
I'm excited for you!! You needed this. You always did SO well with WW. As long as you follow the program, you are going to do awesome like always. I'm really happy you did this. Eat lots of free fruits and veggies!