Monday, April 23, 2012

Week One

I went to my first Weight Watchers meeting on Saturday! It was really nice. I went back to the Weight Watchers I had gone to in the past and there were a few familiar faces. I've been doing well with my tracking of points. It definitely takes longer to figure out if I can eat something because I can't just look at the calorie content and know that it fits into my day. I find it's helped deter me from eating a couple things because I simply didn't want to mess around with figuring out how many points it was! 

I didn't get any exercise in the weekend. On Saturday, two of my friends and I drove a few hours to meet another friend and her husband for lunch. We ate at Olive Garden and ended up being at the restaurant almost 3 hours! It is so nice to catch up with friends I don't get to see often! Sunday was my cousin's 21st birthday so we went out to the bar at midnight to help him celebrate! 

I'm hoping that the coming week will allow me to get some exercise done and speed up my weight loss for my first official WW weigh in!

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