Monday, December 10, 2012

Off to a Great Start

After getting off to a rocky start, I had a very successful weekend. Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, I did my best to make better choices and was sure to track everything I ate, no matter what. I went over my calories every day by quite a bit, especially after Friday night's drinking at bowling followed by Taco Bell. Saturday, I was very conscious of the choices that I made and ended the day under my calories. Sunday went just as well! I was very happy with how the weekend played out and it gave me the boost that I needed to push full force into this week.

Tonight after work, I plan to work out. I will be doing The Firm Express which is a quick 20 minute workout. I enjoy The Firm Express because although it's quick, it's certainly not easy. It can definitely be hard to motivate yourself to gear up for a 60 minute workout, but anyone can squeeze 20 minutes into their day without much displeasure.

I also went grocery shopping and bought plenty of the healthier foods that I have eaten in the past when I have been successful. It is very relaxing to have my week planned out and I feel very prepared for the challenges that may comes!

I also wanted to mention that I found this fantastic blog that has recipes, success stories, and lots of other inspirational things. I find it easy to relate to the woman writing the blog because her starting weight is similar to mine. She has also struggled with becoming pregnant, which is a great fear of mine. Although she and her husband's struggles did not end up being related to her weight, it is still understood that being overweight can greatly affect someone's ability to become pregnant. It's just another reason for me to push forward on this journey!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

200 Days

Today marks the 200th day until my wedding. I am dangerously close to pulling on that white dress and walking down the aisle to marry the love of my life. I had high hopes of losing a lot of weight before my special day. I still do. The problem is, I haven't been focused on weight loss. At all. In months. In fact, I have gained a lot of weight and am now the heaviest I have ever been in my life. It's a sobering thought. The most important day of my life is rapidly approaching and I am doing nothing to ensure my complete happiness on that day.

I have dabbled with dieting here and there since my last post. I've had great days and good weeks and then horrible days and even worse months. It's only 200 days. Six and a half months. I should be able to focus myself on the prize for that long, right? It's so much easier said than done. My weight is a thought that consumes every minute of my life, but at the same time, I cast it aside in my mind, blocking out the harsh reality.

So once again, here I am proclaiming my new found commitment  to this journey. I commit to becoming healthier. I commit to tracking my food. I commit to exercising. 

I plan to have my official weigh-in tomorrow morning, and update my progress. My goal is to lose 65 pounds by my wedding. My first "mini goal" is to lose 10 pounds by 2013. I will do this! :)